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Ten Journal Prompts to Explore Your Inner Child

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Our inner child is the part of ourselves that holds the experiences of our childhood memories and our child self. We may be reminded of this part of ourselves when we respond or behave in certain ways. Sometimes our inner child comes to life in our adult form through how we communicate with others, how we react in emotional situations, or the behaviors that we see within ourselves. When we begin to explore our inner child, we can become aware of the impact that our hurt child self may be having on our adult selves. Here are ten journal prompts to begin exploring your inner child:

1. When you were a child, what did you worry about?

Our worries that we had during childhood can create a pattern of worries that follow us into adulthood. Exploring the worries we had as children allows us to become aware of the patterns of worry that may be impacting us in adulthood.

2. What is one thing you wish you would have been told as a child? Why?

Thinking back to your early experiences, what would you have liked to hear as a child? Maybe this would have come from a parent, a family member, a teacher, a friend, etc. What is it that younger you needed to hear? Why did you need to hear that?

3. Are there memories from your childhood that are hard to remember?

The statement “I don’t remember my childhood” is said so often due to trauma that was experienced. Are there memories that your family talks about but you just can’t remember? Are there times in your childhood where you have no recollection of anything? Explore those places and see if any memories begin to arise.

4. Did you have a “safe space” when you were a child? Where was it?

A “safe space” can look so different for every child depending on the environment. Maybe your safe place was your closet, your bed, or a family member. Did you have a safe place as a child? What did it look like? How did it make you feel when you were able to go to your “safe place”?

5. When you were embarrassed as a child, how did you react?

Thinking back to a time when you were embarrassed as a child, how would you react? Do you notice any similarities between how you react now when you’re embarrassed vs. when you were a child? What was it that made you most embarrassed?

6. When did you feel most loved as a child?

What was it like for you to be loved as a child? Did you experience love? What made you feel most loved by your family and friends? Do you notice similarities to what makes you feel most loved as an adult?

7. Do you remember an early memory of being rejected or alone?

Maybe there is a memory of rejection or loneliness at home, school, or in another setting. Do you remember ever feeling rejected or alone? What was this like for you? What are you experiencing now as an adult when you think about this or talk about it?

8. What do you remember about anger when you were a child?

Do you remember experiencing anger as a child? Maybe you had a lot of anger or maybe you experienced a lot of anger coming from a parent or family member. What was this like for you? What does anger mean to you now?

9. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? What were they like?

Was there an imaginary friend that you had that made you feel safe? Loved? Heard? What did this friend do for you? What were they like?

10. What was your favorite memory as a child?

Do you have a favorite memory as a child? Maybe you have a few favorite memories as a child! Explore those memories, do you have any similar favorite memories as an adult? Your Inner Child Deserves Compassion

Exploring our inner child can bring up memories and feelings from our childhood. When you are exploring your inner child, we invite you to explore with compassion and care. If you would like to do further exploration and inner child work, we encourage you to reach out to a therapist to assist you in that journey!

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